Strawberry Wine.... Bittersweet
Strawberry Wine.... Bittersweet
***Belinda and I were driving today, helping out some relatives with a broken car- we were on our way home, about a 15 minute drive... we were all talking and goofing off... but then the radio played Strawberry Wine... by Deana Carter. I absolutely love this song- and apparently everyone in the car did too, there we were, four women, all singing in our own tune, with our own personal touches added to a beautiful song. It was quite a view too, we had the windows down, hair blowing, cruising at about 50 mph. The cutting up came to a halt, and we all had a distant gaze about us... each of us remembering our own "bittersweet" romance... our own strawberry wine... I just had this thought when we were driving how funny it was that all of us, different as we could be were all related in some way to this song- we all had memories and feelings flooding back into our hearts for the short three minutes we were listening.I know who I was thinking about was definitely a bittersweet experience..."The fields have grown over now,years since they've seen the plowthere's nothin time hasnt touched"I like these words- its so right- to me, it doesn't matter how much time passes, I'll still always have my good memories and our bad moments. Chances are, thats all it will be, a memory- but I'll look back everytime I hear this song with nothing but fondness for him and my own strawberry wine. Dont try to block things of the past out, instead, use them as a happiness that only you know about... you can keep the secrets forever and have something to smile about, to yourself. ***